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Dr Maran, performing bariatric surgery in Chennai, explains the quantum of weight loss achieved after a bariatric surgery.

How much weight do you lose after a Bariatric Surgical Procedure?

This is the most important question of all times lingering in the mind of an individual who is morbidly obese and is planning to undergo a Bariatric Surgical Procedure. So how much weight does one exactly reduce after undergoing weight loss surgery? “On an average, an individual may lose up to 70% of his excess weight”, says Dr Maran who does many types of weight loss surgeries in Chennai.

So Actually How much weight do you lose after a Bariatric Surgical Procedure?

Subtracting your actual weight from the ideal weight gives excess weight. Consequently, the ideal weight is the weight your body should be for your age and height. You can calculate your ideal weight from the BMI charts available online.

Weight loss progresses at a steady pace. Hence you need to measure weight loss after six months, nine months, one year, one and a half years and two years. It is even better to measure and check the weight loss every three months. By two years, the patient who has undergone the surgery would have lost up to 70% of the excess weight on an average. Some might lose more weight but some might lose lesser.

Factors Influencing Quantum of Weight Loss

  • First of all, how controlled are you in your food intake? Quantity and quality of food after surgery is very important. The more calorie-laden food you eat, your weight loss might not work. Be conscious about the food you have to avoid after your bariatric surgical procedure.
  • The greatest impact any bariatric procedure brings is the ability to perform workouts after a significant weight loss. Therefore if you incorporate exercise regimens after you achieve a level of weight loss, there will be no looking back. Your body responds faster and therefore you can lose more weight.
  • You will likely be closer to your ideal weight goal between one year and two years post your surgery. Furthermore, the best results show up a year after your obesity surgery.
  • Follow the nutrition plan and exercise plan what your surgeon and the nutritionist gives. Hence follow it diligently after the surgery is over.
  • Weight loss also depends on other medical conditions. Thyroid, PCOD, any hormonal treatments for infertility, etc, influences your weight loss.

If your weight gain is only because of the quantity of food rather than the hormonal cause, the results are really good after your surgery.

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